There is no infinite !!!
Infinite = Time or Volume * Speed of counting
(Defined by Yogesh)
Being an extrovert, I profoundly believe in above expression. There's often a misconception when we say a limit tends to infinite. Whether it really approaches a limit ? Whether defining an equation really intends to infinite. It never. Rather a summation of probability and Permutation/Combination.
Humans are often bound to restrictions. Its because there's a term defined in the mind which is defined as limit. And then to satisfy ourself we term it as a limit tend to infinite. Which itself has a restriction based on system and the space occupied by the variable in which the infinite field is defined. I am not going against the law of infinitesimal fractions. But on the same lines I am protruding finite fractional elements.
Trying to clarify the above expression in different phases in different scenarios -
1) Human ability to count infinite -
If a person since his/her birth starts counting from 1 till the time he/she is alive. It would come around 60(seconds) * 60(minutes) * 24 (A day) * 365 (A year) = 3153600 seconds. On an average a person can count 12 number starting from 1 in a second. So if a person stays for on an average 50 years he can count upto 3153600 * 50 (years) * 12(every number) = ~ 18 billion numbers.
Infinite = ~ 18 billion for a normal human to count.
So for next time if someone ask you how many starts are there in the universe you can say 18 billions. Accept the challenge and ask other one to count more than exactly what you did. :D
2) A system ability to count infinite -
Yeah, its something what I am really keen to explain. A system comprising of different compilers. I would take C (32 -bit & 64 - bit) and Python which is more than sufficient.
C compiler on 32 Bit Operating System - (As per the IEEE-754 standard)
Taking the highest degree of the value to explain the infinite term I would go with the floating point data types. This would even be a good point to know can infinite be a decimal number :D
An infinite number can often go to negative summation or a positive. In C, a floating data type for 32 bit OS it can hold a size of min/max = 3.4 * 10^38. A number much more larger beyond a human can count in his/her lifetime. A system is designed to compute such values. Nevertheless, it gets contented with the size allocated. So for it the infinite number could be the number as defined.
C compiler on 64 Bit Operating System -
There's not much to describe here. Just a difference in the size of the data type it can hold is min/max 1.7 * 10^308.
Python -
Let me take this opportunity to explain Python a bit. An advanced, strong and a simple language which can define a floating data type of size 64 bit double precision, like 7.8*e^28. A value unimaginable by a human or a C compiler. Yet a sober, distinctive. Executing a code without compiling. Having different interfaces and frameworks for different user requirements. Including Robotics, mechanics and artificial intelligence.
Having explained this, a system has got the restrictions to hold-on on a size of the variable. Even though for human its uncountable I don't term it as an infinite.
3) Universe ability to expand infinitely -
A big bang. Ever lasting universe. Expanding in every corner of the space. Extending P-, N-, E- along with the molecules. The space accumulates the size for the infinite growth of the universe. Even here the expression might sound perfect. (Size = Space). Once the space is filled it will be like "Who's who" dilemma !!!
Ever lasting universe will try to expand in itself. Something like a circle drawn in a circle from the point it originated. It will keep on continuing till it reaches the centre of the universe. May be many asteroids would already hit Planet Earth and other planets on Milky Way before that. The time it takes to approach the centre and the size of the space defines two different variable for the equation.
A dilemma which was seen in the Bermuda triangle. A mystery concluded as being the accumulation of more amount of CH4 in the triangle as compared to other part of the world.
4) Love counting infinite -
Love is sometimes defined as infinite. It can't be measured or can't be calculated. But it can be defined. The amount of love exist, till a human exists. An imaginary part comes after that. Which can be defined in the negative infinite. Which will eventually vanish when the universe reaches its centre.
Few other instances,
Infinite charging of the battery will explode. Infinite number of execution of loop will bump the system (because of defragmentation). Birth of humans is not infinite (Natality rate). Finite number of species. Finite number of money. Infinite ideas with finite implementations.
The infinite term is related to the scalability of the matter. The more the system is scalable, the more infinite it can append.
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. The probability of a monkey exactly typing a complete work such as Shakespeare's Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring during a period of time even a hundred thousand orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe is extremely low, but not actually zero.
Only Bullshit talk is infinite.
The Four Horsemen Baby !!!!! :D
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