Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's all in bits & bytes !!!

This days I am messaging more frequently than I ever used to do. It's always been a pesky job for me. But nowadays its a crux of communication. It plays important part of our daily routine. Having said that, I believe it's a zero feeling task. 

Msg "hi how are you" will be saved as 
01001000 01101001 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
into your mobile device. And furthermore as
48 69 20 68 6f 77 20 61 72 65 20 79 6f 75
into your computer. Those who are engineers must be aware of what I am talkin about rest can take some free time from their busy schedule and google for binary and hexadecimal values only if they are interested. 

I am just focusing on the part "feelings are replaced with bits and bytes". Sad but true. We are so much of addicted to bits nowadays that even to inquire "hey are u still alive" we send 0's & 1's and expect answers in the same manner. The 7 bit in India and 16 bit encoding scheme in non Latin countries has done it all. I don't see any care and kindness in this numbers. Even if I have been questioned "do u care for me" I wud send some 0's & 1's and the other one will accept anyhow coz the device doesn't understand the word care. It just interpret it as 
01100011 01100001 01110010 01100101. 
Now what the hell is this. Adding flavour to it, service providers have schemes of sending thousands of msgs for free everyday. It means approximately 16000 characters i.e. 7000 bytes i.e. 7168000 bits of feelings are free everyday. Whoopy here the story starts of long conversations. Sometimes conv turns into quarrel, sometimes into relatnshp, sometimes frndshp, sometimes marriage also. I can just keep my temper cool coz the new stage has been set and I need to answer coz calling wud make them to spend extra bucks. 

You msgin skunks don't u realise it's hurting someone who don't have free msgs and some1 needs to type from their Samsung c170 mobile which is lyk pressing stones. 
I don't want to talk much on this coz i'v already consumed 1000 msg memory in this blog. Hope the point that I want to put 4ward is somewhat clear. Love generously and care deeply. Picking up the phone and calling may luz ur pockets but it will make the moment happen. Or the best way is to meet. Dont let them go who came to meet you coz they care more than bits and bytes !!!

Stay ugly, stay genuine ;)

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