Sunday, August 3, 2014

Just some math

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ....

For non programmers that is a Fibonacci sequence. Add previous two numbers to get the new one. Wow :) but how is that related to me writing a post on it ?

For a few days I spent a lot of browsing, watching videos, read blogs and other articles on the amazing sequence ever invented, by an Italian Mathematician Leonardo Pisano Bigollo in the year 1202. Yes, its that old. Though it first appeared in the books in 1202, it was way back appeared in Indian Mathematics in connection with Sanskrit Prosody. There's more in the history to mention so I prefer to google than mentioning here.

However the most amazing stuff about this sequence is the ratio that it defines after dividing a higher number by the lower number. The ratio remains constant after a particular range and the value is "1.6180339887...". The ratio 1.618 is defined as Golden Ratio and is denoted by a Greek Alphabet ϕ. A rectangle drawn with the fibonacci numbers looks like and followed by a spiral in the rectangle. It's called as a Golden Rectangle.

Thats some maths till now, but how is the Fibonacci sequence still important topic to discuss ? Its time to look into the nature's stuff we are surrounded by, that implements it.

I am lazy to upload more pics here and I prefer writing than uploading pics. There are Spirals, Shells, Galaxies, Hurricane, Tornados, Sea Waves, Water Droplets, Human Body, Flower Petals, Seed heads, Pinecones, Tree branches, Animal bodies, Reproductive dynamics, The Uterus, DNA molecules, Rhythm in music .... all consists of a golden ratio pattern.

Quite amazing, isn't it ? Years later the sequence was invented, Leonardo Da Vinci has implemented this pattern in all his paintings. Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man, The Last Supper are based on a Sacred Geometry and resembles the golden ratio which is also said as a divine proportion (1.618).

The design patterns in building architecture is based on the golden ratio. Ancient Egyptians were the first to use the mathematics in art, Pyramids. Stonehenge, The Acropolis of Athens, Great Mosque, Romanesque, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower....

Company logos that we see daily is based on the golden ratio. Websites, Frameworks consists it too.

That's great thing to know, to me. We are living in a mathematical world. Things which were never taught. Invented thousands of years ago and still solving the mysteries lying in the ocean of knowledge.

For me a fibonacci sequence will never be a C program again :)

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