Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mind plays the game

Sitting in an empty room had given a thought to write this post. Sounds bit awesome to me and gruesome too :D. Its about my mind which is one of the strangest thing I've ever thought of. Times it makes me inquisitive about it and times it never ;) Strange though :D

Over here I am pretending I (Me) different than my Mind.

Its all about what all wrong and good decision it has taken till now. Good weighs low whereas wrong weighs heavier than my weight. I wasn't born to do Science but I did. I wasn't born to do Engineering but I did neither was born to write this post. All this bullshit decisions has been taken by my mind. I was not cognizant when I was aloof with my mind. Recent changes in my life forced me to write something about it.

Its regarding my job and the place where I've to join. I've decided to join IBM at last.
I can just say that whatever decision I've taken in past few days all were wrong and all went wrong with me since then. So now onwards there's nothing much for bad to happen. So whatever decision I make now will be definitely a good one and will make some good changes in my life.
Probably I should not take impulsive decision further which will only make my life nasty and later being fuzzy about the condition I will restrict myself to choosing such decisions.

So what I've decided now that I don't know what I've decided :P. Isn't that strange. Yes it is coz right now my mind is thinking totally different which even I don't know. Now even this is strange, yes it is right !!! Times it happens with me that I've already decided what I've to do but I don't know what is that I've decided. But my mind knows it all coz it never thinks. It just decides. My mind leaves up to me to think which I don't do it from my side. So am I going somewhere else from the topic or what am I saying over here. Did I got some new interesting topic to talk or is there any thing hidden which can be extracted just by writing this bullshit story.